How Often Should I Practice Posing? ~ Shine Bikinis
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Bikini Posing Blog

Welcome to our fitness competitor blog, where we focus on all things related to bikini and physique competition including posing, nutrition, hair & makeup bodybuiding competition suits, bikinis and more.

How Often Should I Practice Posing?

How often should I pose?

I get asked this alot! I have heard obsurd answers like an hour per day or multiple hours at a time.

That is not the best way that anyone learns.

Start early and pose often.

I encourage meeting with a coach of some sort at least once per week. (length of session depending on level of progress)

I encourage 5 turns DAILY! Drill into your head what you and your coach went over in that weeks session. Work on those areas and play with your personality.

I like to work in layers with posing.

Let's first figure out where your hands and feet need to go then work on adding 'personal flair' as the movement becomes more natural and polished!

Posing is so much more of an art than a science, I love the challenge of finding the pose that flatters each body best and working to pull their stage persona out as their confidence grows!

Anita Jensen