About Us ~ Shine Bikinis
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About Us

We’re the Sowle Sisters, Welcome to the Shine Squad.


I’m Anita

I got my start in the fitness industry in 2008. The sport was, and still is, quickly evolving. Information, resources, and advice were few far between, not to mention suit designers. I started my first suit company that I doubled in size 3 years in a row. I saw an opportunity to fill full a need and the clients kept coming. The industry quickly took lift and sparkly suits became my life.

My love for creating beauty and design has always fueled my passions. When Camille came to me looking to build a community of women looking to live a stronger more fulfilled life, I was ALL IN! I want to help unlock the potential in women to let your true self SHINE!



I’m Camille

I got my start in the fitness industry when I was just 17 years old when Anita asked me if I ever thought about competing. I said no, I didn’t know I could. She relied “You can if you want to” . Six years later, six shows later and I finally earned my natural bikini pro card.

I had three separate contest preps and each one revealed something new to me about myself. I quickly realized that you get out of contest prep when you put into it.

I knew that my place in the fitness industry was to connect with other competitors, share our journey and dig deeper to get something more out of this physical journey.

For me, competing isn’t just about looking beautiful, but rather, a way to connect with other people who are looking to be better. It’s a way to plant a little bit of confidence in their hearts; a yearning to turn the page and learn more about your body and mind. Ultimately, it’s about shining bright inside and out.


And We’re The Sowle Sisters

We created Shine Bikini’s to create empowerment and confidence through our competition suits, podcast and blogs! We are a team of sister competitors who have a mission to educate, connect and converse with competitors across the nation! Apply to be a guest on our podcast and share your story with the world

Shine Squad
Private group · 7 members
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We created Shine Bikinis to create empowerment and confidence through our competition suits, podcast and blogs! We are a team of sister competitors wh...
And we have a podcast!!

And we have a podcast!!

Here’s our website for coaching, posing, hair & makeup